As you navigate the maze of paperwork during the homebuying journey you’ll encounter a crucial document: the Mortgage Closing Disclosure. This document is essential for understanding the details of your mortgage before you finalize your transaction.

Key Features of a Mortgage Closing Disclosure

A Mortgage Closing Disclosure lays out the specifics of your loan, ensuring there are no surprises at the closing table. This five-page document typically includes:

  • Loan Terms: Provides details such as your interest rate, monthly payments, and other critical conditions of your loan agreement.
  • Projected Payments: Breaks down the types of payments you’ll make over the life of the loan, including principal, interest, taxes, and insurance.
  • Closing Costs: Itemizes all costs related to acquiring and closing your home loan, covering expenses such as appraisal, title insurance fees, or other third-party services.
  • Transaction Summary: Summarizes all financial transactions involved in your mortgage, including your down payment, total loan amount, and any credits that may be applied.
  • Additional Information: The closing disclosure may also include other helpful details about escrow accounts or potential penalties for early payment.

Timing and Importance of the Closing Disclosure

Lenders are required to provide you with your Closing Disclosure at least three days before your scheduled closing date. This period is crucial for reviewing the document thoroughly to ensure all terms are correct and to address any discrepancies or questions you might have.

Why It Matters

The Closing Disclosure is not just a formality; it’s your final opportunity to verify all details of your loan. Errors, even minor ones like a misspelled name or incorrect address, may lead to significant issues later on. Reviewing your Closing Disclosure ensures that you agree to the loan terms as expected and helps avoid any last-minute surprises. 

Reviewing Your Closing Disclosure

Upon receiving your Closing Disclosure, prioritize its review:

  • Verify Details: Confirm accuracy in basic information such as name and property address. Errors here can lead to complications at closing.
  • Check Loan Terms: Review the terms of your loan to ensure all details are accurate. This includes checking the interest rate and monthly payment amounts.
  • Assess Closing Costs: Ensure that the listed amounts for the down payment and closing costs are accurate and align with your expectations.
  • Sign and Submit: Once reviewed and any necessary corrections made, sign the disclosure and return it to your lender, either in person or electronically.

For more information on the homebuying process or to explore our range of home loan options, contact our experienced home loan experts today!